Low Price new, used, refurbished or rent Tracstar Systems AVL 1278 Fly-n-Drive Antenna – Incomplete


Last updated on September 4, 2024 10:54 am


Tracstar 1278 Fly-n-Drive Antenna  70% Operational
When this type of antenna is 100% operational a button press allows it to rise and seek the satellite, and when the transmission is over, it should be just as easy to completely stow the antenna.
It is the “Stow” part that we cannot get to work correctly. The first STOW button press gets the antenna to come half-way down so that the reflector can be removed. That part works perfectly.
Normally after removing the reflector, the Tracstar Systems AVL antenna gracefully goes to rest on the carriage. With two of our antennas, the second button press confuses the electronics and instead of closing down, it attempts to open again.
Very Annoying but not a huge problem. All of these antenna are shipped with a handle that will close the antenna completely with just a few turns.
That is why we say that it is “70% Operational”
The Tracstar Systems AVL from TracStar allows personnel with little or no satellite experience to operate mobile Very Small Aperture Terminal(VSAT) satellite communications equipment, enabling the user to access any broadband application over satellite. We purchased a large number of these AVL mobile antenna systems. They are packed in three separate cases for easy transportation by road, sea or air. It takes approximately 30 minutes to unpack the antenna and acquire the satellite. The antenna is fully motorized and will automatically acquire the chosen satellite.
With TracStar’s MVS Series antennas, users
enjoy the same reliable, secure, high-speed IP
based data communications they are accustomed
to in the office, while mobile. Users can
get connected Anywhere/Anytime for applications
such as:
• Secure, high-speed digital communications
• High-speed internet access
• Voice and FAX communications
• Teleconferencing
• Wide area private network extension
• Video broadcasting
Tracstar Systems AVL 1278 Common Use Cases
The MVS Series of antennas are typically owned and operated by:
• Corporations with remote or mobile office
and monitoring applications
• Federal, State and Public Safety agencies
for law enforcement, emergency
response and homeland security communications
• Military rapid deployment, SATCOM on
the pause applications
TracStar antennas feature:
• Single button push for automatic satellite
• Rapid deployment and operation on
every Ku-band satellite, worldwide
• Works with every satellite modem
• Eliminates the need for –
Leveling the antenna up to 10 degrees
Special test equipment for alignment
Computers or peripheral equipment to
operate the antenna
Phone calls to network operators or service
The blue case contains the modem and antenna controller, the black case contains the antenna base and the gray case stores the two piece antenna reflector.
The complete package consists of NJT 4W BUC + iNfiniti 3100 + TracStar controller.