Low Price new, used, refurbished or rent C-Band Splitter Mu-Del MPD-3742-4


Last updated on November 11, 2024 1:16 pm


C-Band Splitter Mu-Del MPD-3742-4
C-Band Splitter Mu-Del MPD-3742-4 manufactured by Mu-Del Electronics of Silver Spring Maryland. We have a large stock of coaxial connectors for all kinds of satellite equipment. Contact us to help you find what you need for your vsat equipment needs!
This is a four to one C-Band splitter combiner. and quite honestly it looks as if it has been around for many long years, but in spite of its aged appearance it works well as a four to one splitter combiner in C-Band.
We have more splitters, combiners, BUC’s, amplifiers, antennas and other VSAT equipment here!