Low Price new, used, refurbished or rent NBK MSTS-20 Split Type Coupling


Last updated on February 1, 2025 12:40 pm


NBK MSTS-20 Split Type Coupling brand new sealed in manufacturer’s package.
The purpose of this product is to allow two components, typically a motor connecting with a drive shaft where alignment may not be perfect, and this flexible coupling compensates for the angular misalignment.
There are dozens of products that match the description of those we have in stock, and we have gone to great lengths to identify exactly the correct model number – but we may be wrong. However if you buy some of these couplings and find that they don’t meet your requirements you may return them within 30 days for a full refund.

This is a metal spring coupling with single-piece construction. A slit is inserted into a cylindrical material.
A plate spring formed by a slit allows eccentricity, angular misalignment, and end-play to be
There are two types of units made of aluminum alloy or all stainless steel.
The documents in the download tab show full dimension details of the couplings.