Low Price new, used, refurbished or rent Miteq L-Band Beacon Receiver BR-L


Last updated on February 7, 2025 7:53 am

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Miteq L-Band Beacon Receiver BR-L has options for remote RS232 or local control.
The unit has been tested and appears to be fully working.
The MITEQ BR series Beacon Receiver is a versatile receiver, designed to lock onto a CW or modulated carrier and provide accurate and reliable relative power measurement indicators for
either antenna positioning or uplink power control applications.
The BR-L operates in the L-Band and accepts a 940-2150 MHz signal. The outputs of the beacon receiver are analog and digital indicators of power measured at the input of the beacon receiver.
The beacon receiver fits neatly into a single EIA standard rack height (1.75 inches).
A rich feature set of controls and indicators are easily accessible via an intuitive operating environment. The receiver can be setup completely from the front panel or over a remote bus via a host computer. There are thirty-two memory locations where various settings can be stored and recalled easily. Also, a log is continuously updated with time-stamped records of alarm activity.