Low Price new, used, refurbished or rent L3 UC6M2 C-Band Up Converter


Last updated on January 11, 2025 3:28 pm


L3 UC6M2 C-Band Up Converter used and scratched but in excellent working condition.
This type of Up Converter is 70 MHz to extended C-Band range of 5845 to 6725 MHz.
M2-Series dynamically advanced converter technology com-bines extended bandwidth, reduced size, improved reliability and advanced performance at a competitive price.
With L-3 Narda’s 1 Rack Unit Slimline configuration, the M2-Series design leads to substantially smaller 1:1 and 1:N systems. A 1:1 redundant subsystem can be supplied in only 2 RU (3.5″).
L Band monitoring port for DSNG signal test and monitoring.
M2-Series Up and Downconverters meet INTELSAT, EUTELSAT, Regional and DOMSAT requirements. The extended converter bandwidth provides access to almost all Ku-Band satellites worldwide.
M2-Series Converters have excellent phase noise perform-ance accommodating the standard QPSK as well as the more stringent 8PSK and 16QAM and higher order carriers. These converters will faithfully transmit the wide spectrum of high data rates demanded for digital video, ATM and related applications.