Low Price new, used, refurbished or rent Comtech EFData CRS-150


Last updated on February 8, 2025 10:20 pm


Comtech EFData CRS-150 is a 1:1 redundancy switch designed to support Comtech EFData CDM-600 modems and provide full redundancy. If a simple SCPC modem is suitable for an application we can offer a pair of CDM-600 modems together with this switch to provide a completely redundant modem package.
The modems are priced separately.
The CRS-150 1:1 Redundancy Switch module, shown in Figure 1-1, is a companion product for use with the CDM-600 Satellite Modem.
Designed to continuously monitor a pair of modems (Units ‘A’ and ‘B’) in a 1:1 redundant configuration, the CRS-150 automatically switches data and IF signals from the failed online modem to the standby modem in the event of an equipment failure or undesired traffic condition. Traffic paths are fully protected, and the system operator can have increased confidence that equipment failures will not adversely affect system availability.
A 1:1 redundancy system comprises an online modem, a redundant (standby) modem, and the CRS-150 1:1 Redundancy Switch. Note that the CRS-150 is intended for mounting at the rear of a pair of modems in a 19” rack system.