Low Price new, used, refurbished or rent ATM WR62 to SMA VSAT Adapter


Last updated on February 3, 2025 3:57 am


ATM WR62 to SMA VSAT Adapter
ATM WR62 to SMA VSAT Adapter is one of many brand new adapters that we have in stock.
The ATM part number is 62-20-1B-6 with a frequency range of 12.2 to 18 GHz.
When we purchased them, according to the sellers records, they paid $200 each.
PE9809 WR-62 waveguide to coax adapter is also known as a WR-62 waveguide transition. This waveguide to coax adapter / transition is constructed as a WR62 to SMA connector and has a male gender. Our WR62 to SMA male waveguide adapter transition has a right angle design and has a square cover flange. Pasternack right angle WR-62 to SMA waveguide to coaxial cable transition / adapter has a minimum frequency of 12.4 GHz and a maximum frequency of 18 GH