Citel DS98-400 230V AC Surge Protector Arrestor


Last updated on November 25, 2024 8:38 pm


Citel DS98-400 230V AC Surge Protector Arrestor

The Citel DS98-400, 230VAC surge protector is used for the ‘secondary protection of the single phase networks against the surge voltages created by lightning.

It is based on association between high energy gas tube and varis- tors. DS98 is equipped with an internal thermal safety which will dis- connect the unit from the AC network in case of end of life. This dis- connection will be indicated by the trun on of the red led in front.

Very compact, the DS98 surge protector must be instaled close by the equipment to protect, downstream a «primary» surge protector ( i.e. DS40). DS98 provides both a commen and differential mode protection.

These surge protectors can be classified as Type 2 or Type 3, fol- lowing test class II or III from IEC 61643-1 standard.

The electrical configuration of the DS98 allows a connection in pa- rallel or series modes. In the last case, the maximum load current is 16 A.


Compact AC surge protector

Discharge currents : In : 5 kA/Imax : 10 kA

Common and Differential mode protection

Disconnectio Indicator

Type 2 or 3

Complies IEC 61643-1 compliance