Revolutionize Your Home’s Power with the ETHOS 48V System Description Included Components
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Upgrade your residential energy storage with the BigBattery’s 48V ETHOS system, designed to revolutionize the way you power your home. With up to 30.7kWh for indoor/outdoor configurations, this system is perfect for residential power systems, cabins, tiny homes, whole home backup, and more. The ETHOS system is versatile, stackable, and modular in design, ensuring easy expandability and seamless wall installation. It features comprehensive safety, reliability, and cutting-edge features, including an IP65-rated casing, an internal fire suppression system, and advanced BMS with auto cell balancing. When paired with the EG4 18kPV inverter, this system has a capacity of up to 12,000W of uninterrupted, continuous output. It includes advanced features like smart load control and peak shaving, as well as a user-friendly LCD touchscreen display. It is a perfect match for the ETHOS system, delivering reliable and efficient power while also reducing your monthly electric bills. Take control of your home’s power with the 48V ETHOS system. ETHOS 48V FEATURES Innovative Design and Installation: Versatile stackable design Hassle-free wall mounting Effortless installation Exceptional Performance and Efficiency: IP65-rated casing for enhanced durability Advanced Safety Features Flexible connectivity options Designed For: Residential Power Systems Home Solar Systems Cabins & Tiny Homes Family Homes & Mansions Off-Grid Homesteads Emergency Power Whole Home Backup Lead Acid Replacement Hidden Video Controls
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EG4 18kPV FEATURES Performance Components 18,000W PV input, 12,000W continuous output Stackable – Parallel multiple units together Overload, short circuit & over temperature protection All-In-One Hybrid Inverter: Simple plug-and-play install and inverter management Manages power from energy storage systems, and grid simultaneously 120/240V split phase Fully outdoor rated (Avoid direct sunlight) Fully Remote Monitoring & Firmware Upgrades Remotely monitor & view your system View the power curve from each day Update firmware remotely anywhere at any time Get historical data about your system for analysis and maintenance View solar yield, battery charging/discharging rate & import consumption Displays live energy data, battery charge and discharge limitations, and battery warning or fault. Explore Effortless Installation with ETHOS 48V Experience hassle-free energy independence with the ETHOS 48V system. Designed for both homeowners and installers, this system ensures easy installation and hassle-free operation. Indoor bundles ranging from 10 to 30kWh cater to diverse residential spaces, providing dependable power for homes of a…