COMTECH UT 4506, IF 70MHz, 6.675 TO 7025 GHz
COMTECH UT 4506, IF 70MHz, 6.675 TO 7025 GHz
COMTECH UT 4506, IF 70MHz, 6.675 TO 7025 GHz Up Converter is the ultimate in high performance and cost effective C-Band frequency conversion. The UT-4505/X can be used for SCPC, DAMA, and TDMA, as well as full transponder HDTV and analog TV. Spectral purity
and stability characteristics fully meet or exceed the requirements of all domestic, international, and regional commercial satellite networks.
High Gain
The UT-4505/X has +17 dBm minimum output level at the 1 dB compression point and 35 dB of gain as a standard. These standard capabilities permits longer cable runs to the high power
amplifier or compensates for elaborate combining networks without adding expensive options such as external line amplifiers.
Low Phase Noise
The phase noise performance of the UT-4505/X exceeds the Intelsat phase noise mask for IBS and IDR services by more than 9 dB. This allows phase dependent demodulators to perform better. The close-in phase noise is very low, making the converter ideal for low bit rate digital circuits such as those used in DAMA hub earth stations.
Daisy Chain Redundancy Switching
The converter uses our patented “Daisy Chain” integrated switching technology. The Daisy Chain design removes the relays associated with a centralized protection switch tray and distributes them across the individual converters. Daisy Chain technology successfully eliminates a central switching chassis, two power supplies, a microprocessor, and several long, costly cables. Widely accepted in the industry, CEFD’s Daisy Chain provides both pricing and marketing advantages